When the best OLTernative
saves you time, resources, and money

Icon of power combined with a money symbol to represent how OLT reduces costs

A low-cost business model

We remove those costs and compliance barriers by enabling our customers to set up a power company in 5 days.

Icon of power combined with a checkmark symbol to represent how the OLT makes the process easy

Automated regulatory compliance

We help to transform energy industries and skip the ‘old fashioned’ complex expensive systems that power companies currently have.

Icon of power enclosed within two arrows to represent how the OLT enables customers to share and store power

Power sharing and power storing

OLT can act as a consumer brokerage – doing everything from power trading, power sharing, and industry compliance.

Hand-drawn illustration of a graph with an upward-pointing arrow, highlighting how OLT is a smart choice for reducing costs

Save time,
money and resources

OLT significantly reduces the current retail operating costs in the electricity market by replacing expensive, complex computer systems; removing the need for IT departments; and large “back-office” customer management teams.

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