You've got the data, we've got the brain, let's generate change

Lined icon of gears and connections, illustrating how AI can learn and adapt to benefit families

AI/Machine Learning

Transforming meter reads to services that benefit the family.

Lined icon of a magnifying glass with connections, symbolising identification and insight

Behaviour Analysis

Identifying families who are making unhealthy power choices because they can’t afford to pay.

Lined icon of a gear with a power symbol inside, representing power energy management

Energy Management

Which families have poor quality appliances or are using more power than they need to.

Illustration of a hand holding a pink and gray globe, symbolizing AI-driven power consumption analysis and community care

Using AI with
social responsibility

Analysing power consumption using AI/machine learning isn’t just knowing when to charge/discharge your EV, it's also knowing when to check in on your granddad or neighbour.

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